Kids Blinds For Keylite® Skylight Windows

Crafted with care and creativity, our Kids Blinds For Keylite® Windows are designed to transform your child's room into a cosy and imaginative haven. These blinds feature vibrant patterns and playful designs that will delight young minds. With thermal blackout properties, they ensure a restful night's sleep by keeping the room dark and maintaining a comfortable temperature. Perfectly tailored for Keylite® windows, these blinds offer both style and functionality, making them an ideal choice for any child's bedroom.

11 items
Alps Pastel BlackoutAlps Pastel Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsAlps Pastel BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Baby Pink BlackoutBaby Pink Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsBaby Pink BlackoutKeylite® From £61.95 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Cartoon Blue BlackoutCartoon Blue Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsCartoon Blue BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Rainbow Natural BlackoutRainbow Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsRainbow Natural BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Sky Blue BlackoutSky Blue Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsSky Blue BlackoutKeylite® From £61.95 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Stars At Night BlackoutStars at Night Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsStars At Night BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Clouds Grey BlackoutClouds Grey Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsClouds Grey BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Deep Pink BlackoutDeep Pink Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsDeep Pink BlackoutKeylite® From £59.99 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Outer Space BlackoutOuter Space Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsOuter Space BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Polka Dots Grey BlackoutPolka Dots Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsPolka Dots Grey BlackoutKeylite® From £61.95 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal
Street Art BlackoutStreet Art Blackout Blind For Keylite® WindowsStreet Art BlackoutKeylite® From £64.64 
blackout-thermalBlackout Thermal