Top Skylight Types to Brighten Any Room
The Most Popular Types of Skylights
A skylight is the perfect way to light up your home. Get the facts on the most popular types of skylights with tips on how to choose the right one.Did you know that skylights can greatly improve the efficiency of your home, especially for heating? There are countless benefits to the many types of skylights you can install in your home. But what are the most popular types of skylights to install? If you've been looking into the pros and cons of skylights, we're here to help. Read on to learn what you should expect from installing a skylight.
Types of Skylights
Skylights come in many different shapes and a variety of materials. Here are some of the variations you should expect when you're looking for popular types of skylights.
One of the first things you'll want to pick is the shape of your skylight. The design of your home, ceiling, and roof can sometimes limit your options. Some skylights may have a tubular shape. Others might be rectangular windows that can open or close. Still others might have a hard plastic dome and appear circular. The shape of a skylight can change depending on its purpose. For example, one meant for use as an exit would need to open. For that reason, these are most commonly square or rectangular.
Depending on the purpose of a skylight, you will have different materials you can use. Plastic is extremely common, especially for units that need insulation. Plastic glazing is an economical, sturdy choice, though it can sometimes yellow over time. Ones made to open might have plastic and glass, serving as a #roof window.# Cylindrical skylights are often made of metal, or lined with metal for aesthetical purposes.
Once you know the shape and material, you should also know the style. Arguably, style is the most important thing from an aesthetic view. However, it's still important for practical use. Fixed skylights are ideal for additional light, but provide no ventilation or exit. Tubular skylights provide ventilation and are easy to install, as well as often being adjustable. Vented skylights provide ventilation, often an exit, and much light, as well as being easy to clean.
Benefits of Skylights
There are more benefits to skylights than one would expect a window to have. The most obvious benefit is the additional light and ventilation. These qualities are especially important for closed-in areas, like closets or bathrooms. Past this, skylights also help with energy efficiency. You won't spend as much on heating when the sun can reach a room so easily. You also won't need to invest as much in lighting when the skylight helps a room stay lit until the sun goes down. Skylights also help increase air circulation. Better circulation can help reduce moisture, particularly if the skylight can open. Fresh air and low moisture help reduce the chance of mould or mildew.
Opening Up
With so many different types of skylights, there's bound to be one that fits your purpose. Whether you want it for better air circulation, superior lighting, or just a nice aesthetic, your new skylight is sure to improve your living spaces. For more information on skylights and home design, feel free to contact us to learn more.

By Naomi Showman